Saturday, July 7, 2012

Raw foods..

So as usual..  I haven't updated for a month and a half.  We've been super busy doing shops and preparing foods and visiting random places.  Since my last post, we set out for Arkansas again to go to Wakarusa, a lower key music festival.  It was pretty awesome.  We staying in the handicapped section and met a guy with a fake heart and a girl that had fallen off of a cliff in a car accident and lived.  The people we met were really genuine and nice.  We also met a girl who was a little crazy and had left her house and gone off all her psych meds and was like a little lost puppy..  Hopefully she found her way after the festival.  Her parents were so worried for her that they bought her VIP passes for the two festivals she was going to and yet she was in the handicapped section because she had no idea what was going on.  The next week we went to Bonnaroo which was pretty fun though nothing extremely notable.  We saw Kyle's cousin play at the festival which was cool.  After that we headed north cuz it was super super hot and sleeping in a car is torture in weather like that.  We took a nice drive up the Mississippi river all the way to the very tip.  Lake Itasca is at the very tip.  We walked across the Mississippi when we got there... The picture is a little dark.

We kept driving north all the way to International Falls, MN where we stayed in a hotel for a mystery shop and dehydrated all the food we had bought for the raw foods diet which we've been doing for about 2 1/2 weeks.  We walked into Canada the next day to the town of Fort Frances which was really boring even though it was July 1st also known as Canada day.

Here's some of our awesome dehydrated foods:

We dehydrated a bunch of fruits and vegetables which I concluded just make you feel ripped off because you end up with less food, but we also made pizza for Kyle and bison jerky which was awesome!!

The raw foods diet has really opened my eyes to some awesome healthy dessert options. 

Things I've learned from the raw foods diet:

1.    Judge everyone that eats at McDonalds
2.    Judge everyone that eats at every other god awful fast food restaurant
3.    All fast food restaurants put MSG in the food
4.    On the raw foods diet, I can eat dessert all day and it's good for me. =) or so I think

I have made awesome brownies and coconut macaroons on this diet.  I made mint chocolate chip ice cream and vanilla ice cream.  All this came as a surprise to me when I discovered all this.

Kyle was happy to learn that we could eat pizza on the raw foods diet. 

We've also made some nice raw meals like zucchini pasta and avocado and sprouts (which we grow ourselves.

The diets been pretty cool so far, but also pretty time consuming.  It's been a good experience, but not something that I would do forever cuz thus far it doesn't seem to have helped my health at all.  Something will...

So now we're in the middle of nowhere North Dakota..were actually in a big city for ND.. Bismarck.  Nothing to do here except for Museums and a zoo...boring..

While traveling up the Mississippi we stopped in Minneapolis for a while which is near the Mall of America.  Consumerism at its best.  With all the mystery shopping that we do, I don't think I could ever go back to consumerism.  I go to the mall to make 50 bucks not to spend more money than I've made in the past month.  

The Amusement Park in Mall of America

Marcy's playground in Minneapolis


Along the way, we stopped in Duluth where we went to a place called Whole Foods Co-op which has nothing to do with the Wholefoods chain.  We met a girl that had travelled with her boyfriend on bikes all the way to Alaska.  Which seems really far being from Jersey, but is substantially closer when you live in Minnesota, the land of 10,000 mosquitoes... 

Graffiti graveyard in Duluth

Now off to watch Fargo in Bismarck...because we had no time to watch Fargo.. 

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