Sunday, February 5, 2012

So as the whole country watches the superbowl, I sit here writing my monthly post.  I find that incidentally I only have a chance to post once a month.  It's been an interesting month I suppose..  Shortly after the new year, I had a relationship ending fallout with my parents.. or at least my dad.. probably not something that I should be writing about.  For a couple week's I stayed with Kyle's family trying to get my health in order.  Something my parents didn't think Kyle was helping me with because you know.. the average 24 year old is willing to carry his girlfriend around because she can't walk or pushes her in a wheelchair..  it's been 3 1/2 years.. the infatuation is's true love..That aside..

Shortly after the new year, I started taking the miracle cactus drink, Nopalea, you know you've seen those commercials about this miracle drinking.. I saw the commercial during a long, rundown night at the crazy house I used to work out...  Little did I know that it was a hardcore multi level marketing scheme... Well, truth is, I met an old lady in Arkansas at the Clinton Presidential Center who swore by the drink.  She told me that she told God to heal her or take her and then she saw the commercial for Nopalea so she thought it was her God-send.  Naturally, the placebo effect is going to kick it and the drink magically worked for her.  Well, if you know me at all, you know that I'm the anti-placebo.  If something works, it should work.  I shouldn't have to believe it in for it to work.  Lately, I've been wondering if I should change my mentality.  Start meditating...getting in touch with my "true self"...

So we just got back last night from another pretty cool trip... we came back for Kyle's dad's 50th.. We went to Churchill Downs...

 The Bourbon Trail...

 and the Creation Museum...looking young has it's benefits sometimes... it gets you into places for free if you just ask a simple question because you know...we're young so we must be poor... Score!  Gotta love living below the poverty level (=  Even our dog gets innovative with being poor.. one morning we found her licking the window cuz it was frosted.. talk about being deprived...

So as technology advances, I try to resist it more and more... course I have a blog so I guess I'm not resisting it that much.. they say I have to have a blog if I'm gonna be traveling the country when any decent human being our age is trying to get a real job... to hell with normalcy..
So on this trip, I learned that they use DC as a stomping ground for advancing the technology of creepiness.  Course they can already identify your face when you walk into a casino, but in DC now they track your license plates to see where you have been in the city.  The tracking device follows you around and watches your every move.  People try to say affairs are increasing because of facebook and other technology... Did anyone ever think that people are just getting more stupid about cheating?  Better watch who you text or what you look up when you're planning a murder...

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